منتديات التاريخ المنسي
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منتديات التاريخ المنسي
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منتديات التاريخ المنسي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات التاريخ المنسيدخول

التاريخ المنسي

description?????very important, plz come in plz. if you want to feel better

Please i want you lot to read this and you will know it was better for amal to leave. please if anyone can translate it (ya targom7a) in arabic i will be thankfull. plz read it all!!!

'i want to talk about amal, coz her case tells everything about the academy!
amal's problem is her revealed maturity! (when she's disgusted, she just can't hide it!)
she couldn't hide her incredulousness coz she wasn't convinced of anything that was going on around her. Her behaviour was saying:''well hell! almost everything here is childish, fake and silly! i'll try to follow a little bit ...oh damn I can't!''
alas amal you can't think that why ''loudly'' if you want to go far in the competition
rola hates candidates who show maturity and resistance to an imperatively complete adherence to her old fashioned plots
first of all amal seemed too wise for everything that could happen in the academy (their laughing, their crying, their discussions, their fights, their love stories, the top 5 ... u know everything is obviously fake but the good elements are the ones who managed to keep things on)
the romantic plot involving amal and zaher didn't work. zaher had tried to create something (remember at the beginning when he told diaa and mirhan that he loves amal and wants to tell her about his feelings) but amal was always making it clear that their relationship was only friendship, saying all the time i love you like my brother, my son lol anything but a lover!

amal is an excellent swimmer, a professional one even, but she really didn't want to swim, she resisted the pressure for 2 months and finally didi it only twice and briefly. and she was obviously forced to do so and yeah, with another mistake here, the first time she swam, she told her friends ''i will do it now alone to get rid of cevag'' well that wasn't clever too.

and finally, the girl used to say things that were actually enough to send her to hell (from rola's prespective): saying things like:

- (giving advice to her friends) ''don't show weakness when you talk to rola, you must be firm!!'' (come on girl are you insane?)

- or ''everyone is acting, i get it, everyone has a role and a plot'' she said that to imane. (well that's exactly what you should never say when you're in star academy!)

- answering an sms: ''zaher us like a brother to me, but yeah, take it as if we're more than a friends'' lol i can't translate what she said exactly but it was too funny, she almost said hey guys we're just acting coz they're telling us to do so! (are you accusing madam rola?lol)

- in the first weeks, when they wanted her to join what they call a part, she answered ''leave me alone i'm fed up, believe me i'm not good at that kind of madness'' i was suprised when i heared her saying this and i was pretty sure wasn't going far.

her argument with mohamed qwider wasn't believeable, and it is obvious that madam roula set her up coz she was the only person who didn't argue with him, but as usual she wasn't good at her acting coz she can't be a person she is not.

and the best one, i don't know if you had noticed that, after her first nomination she said after her return: ''you will see a different amal, i will never sleep early again, i will be playing all the time, i understand everything now''

isn't it weird? they generally say i will work harder or something like that! but amal always say things as they are! she was meaning: aha! so you're not happy when you see me working seriously! i get it! i won't waste my efforts again
(well said girl but you can't play like that with rola! you must cry and say i'm bad but i'll do better and don't forget to rehearse your part of the script, not your lyricss!)

and after her 1st nomination she became extremely bored and unconvinced. she stopped working coz she knew it wasn't about working and singing (she isn't blind) but at that same time she didn't join the circus.
i will miss amal, she's really not made for this program and i want to thank her for saying what rola hates to hear.
and yes, gabi was right: she can't act, she can't play'

amal is a queen in our hearts watever any1 says, and she was the only girl to represent her country alone and she carried all that weight on her should by herself and come out of that place dignified and respectable person. something many people don't have in there whether they win the star academy or not.

description?????رد: very important, plz come in plz. if you want to feel better


description?????رد: very important, plz come in plz. if you want to feel better

thnx mate is it possible for u to translate it so that the others can understand
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